Achieve Your New Year’s Resolutions With the One Goal Rule

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January is traditionally the month for making resolutions. Like it or not, even Ebay and other organisations use this theme, to market their sites after Christmas.

The problem is, around 60-80% of all resolutions are broken in the first few weeks!

If your intention is to make more effective (and lasting) resolutions this year, you could download one of my articles with hints and tips on the subject here.

If, on the other hand, you don’t believe much in resolutions or are certain they just don’t work for you then I would like to help you to make just one change that will have a positive impact on your business or career this year.

There is no fixed plan, just ask yourself what really needs to change?  What have you been doing that’s not producing the results you want? What do you need to do more (or less) of. What could you learn to do better? If you can think of something that needs to change, how you are going to achieve it?

Or to recap from my blog “Out with the Old, In with the New” in December, what message have you taken on board from last year that you will act on this year?

If you can just identify one thing that you are going to do differently this year, you will make a noticeable and positive impact in your job or business, trust me!  And it doesn’t even have to be big.

A Chinese proverb says “A journey of 1000 miles begins with one single step”.

So, what single step will you take now to achieve a successful and prosperous new year?

Ute Wieczorek-King is an experienced trainer, mentor and business coach who specialises in helping busy women be more efficient, productive, profitable in business. Author of the e-book “How to Write a Simple 12 Month Plan”, she has also written a number of free inspirational articles for women in business. For more information please visit Success Network:

3 thoughts on “Achieve Your New Year’s Resolutions With the One Goal Rule

  1. Pingback: Seasonal roundup of inspiring articles | Success Network

    • Thanks, Mary! Yes, just taking on one goal really helps to manage the expectations and it can prevent that sense of failure and frustration people get when they drop all their goals a few weeks into the New Year!


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