Confidence- the evidence that you can overcome any barriers

A guest post by Jen Joseph with tip 8 of 21 tips for a successful business:

Meditation is the activation key which allows you to say that you can do, have or be anything while you feel uncertain. Susan Jeffers from ‘Feel the Fear and do it anyway’ said that when you put yourself in the position to feel your fears, you will begin to understand the messages they bring.

As you understand the message you become more resourceful and can analyse the content and context of the situation you encounter by asking:

• What was happening at the time?
• What was there that should not have been?
• Where were all of the significant elements?

You can evaluate the possible directions on impact for the long and short term if nothing is done to address the situation by asking:

• What do I want?
• What did I want?
• Where would I like to be now?

Now you are in a position to generate clear workable options or choices with a new focus by statements such as:

• If I do A, then B or C could be the outcome;
• If I do D, then C could be the outcome;
• If I do E, then A or F could be the outcome

The drive to perfecting your confidence and understanding is also a key drive to the how which makes your service better. As you can see it raises your awareness and in so doing you begin to TRUST yourself. A pay-off for this is an increase to your customer base and your profit margin even when the financial environment is in turmoil.

Confidence is the evidence that you can overcome any barriers. Meditation allows you to enter a state of gratitude which when engaged and expressed is the key to accessing your goal. As you do this you get closer to becoming the leader you envisaged.

If you would like to develop greater confidence, email Jen Joseph for a confidential complimentary 30 min coaching session at

Jen Joseph (Chartered MCIPD) works with senior level executive women who feel overwhelmed as a result of experiencing significant personal or professional change.  She helps them  to regain their inner strength and peace of mind, leading to a desired promotion, fewer conflicts in teams or relationships and greater life balance.

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One thought on “Confidence- the evidence that you can overcome any barriers

  1. Pingback: 6 Tips for Confident Networking | WiseWolf Talking - the WiseWolf Coaching Blog

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