Is your business quiet? Decluttering can help you to make space for new ideas!

I love periods when business goes quiet – a welcome opportunity to take a rest from the high-energy part of my work  to catch up on some low-energy back office tasks. And so, I recently found myself in the garden with my laptop, having a bit of a clear out.

It was high time I unsubscribed from some Facebook & Linkedin groups that clog up my newsfeeds and the numerous business newsletters that I don’t read any more. This is not because of lack of time but lack of relevance to where I am now.  I used to enjoy reading them – one newsletter even inspired me to start my own a few years ago – but over time as I needed less inspiration, I just kept them in a folder, unread, just in case. In case of what?

Had I checked their recent content I probably would have had a clear out sooner – I couldn’t believe how many newsletters had turned into sales and promotional sermons. Headlines such as ‘Have you seen our latest offer?’ ‘July offers’! ‘What a great offer, never to be repeated’, ‘Special offers, just for you’, made me wonder what had happened in my (reading) absence?

Back to the clear out which although very minor can sometimes have quite an impact. During a similar quiet time last summer I reorganised my office, cleared out my extensive teaching library and started work on a brand-new project a few weeks later. I always find that new ideas and projects need a new (physical and mental) space in which to to flourish.

So, if your business is quiet, why not join me in getting rid of anything that is holding you back in business? Unnecessary ‘stuff’ can clog up your thinking and block your energy. Consider what is truly relevant to your business, and what isn’t. Get rid of what is irrelevant, even if it’s just a few old newsletters!

About the author: Ute Wieczorek-King helps busy women to be well connected, visible, effective and profitable in business. Connect with her via Twitter, the Success Network Community on Linkedin, or Success Network Recipes on Facebook. Or sign up to the monthly newsletter at Success Network.

2 thoughts on “Is your business quiet? Decluttering can help you to make space for new ideas!

  1. Yes Shirley I agree sometimes you can see and feel the signs that it’s time to get rid of things. It’s great when you can act on it straight away- but that’s often easier said than done 🙂


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